Submitted by u1153206 on meta

    Activities List

    Below is a range of activities that can bring fun and meaning to your life. Feel free to think of your own favourites!

    1. Going to a quiz or trivia night2. Spending time in nature
    3. Watching the clouds drift by4. Debating
    5. Painting your nails6. Going ice skating, roller skating/blading
    7. Scheduling a day with nothing to do8. Giving positive feedback about something (e.g. writing a letter or email about good service)
    9. Feeding the birds10. Spending an evening with good friends
    11. Making jams or preserves12. Going out to dinner
    13. Buying gifts14. Having a political discussion
    15. Repairing things around the house16. Washing your car
    17. Watching TV, videos18. Sending a loved one a card in the mail
    19. Baking something to share with others (e.g. family, neighbours, friends, work colleagues)20. Taking a sauna, spa or a steam bath
    21. Having a video call with someone who lives far away22. Organising your wardrobe
    23. Playing musical instruments24. Going to the ballet or opera
    25. Lighting scented candles, oils or incense26. Spending time alone
    27. Exercising28. Putting up a framed picture or artwork
    29. Flirting30. Entertaining
    31. Riding a motorbike32. Wine tasting
    33. Going to the planetarium or observatory34. Birdwatching
    35. Doing something spontaneously36. Going on a picnic
    37. Having a warm drink38. Massaging hand cream into your hands
    39. Fantasising about the future40. Laughing
    41. Flying a plane42. Playing tennis or badminton
    43. Jogging, walking44. Going to home opens
    45. Researching a topic of interest46. Going to the beach
    47. Redecorating48. Volunteering for a cause you support
    49. Smelling a flower50. Opening the curtains and blinds to let light in
    51. Going to the zoo or aquarium52. Doing jigsaw puzzles

    Weekly Activity Schedule

    Use the form below to 'create a new event' and plan your activities for the upcoming week. Aim to include at least one enjoyable activity and one activity that gives you a sense of achievement each day. Refer to the activity list in the information section for inspiration. Engaging in these activities can boost your mood and energy levels. Even if you don’t feel as much pleasure as you used to, keep going - even the smallest efforts over time can have a big impact.

    Your activity will be saved below - you can check it off when you have completed it or print your activities out!


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