Submitted by u1153206 on meta
    Alarm clock

    Tips to improve your sleep: 

    1. Avoid caffeine and bright lights at night. Try to avoid caffeine at least 4-6 hours before going to bed
    2. Remove electronic devices from where you sleep
    3. Use your bed only for sleep and sex
    4. Go to bed at the same time every night
    5. If you find yourself awake in the middle of the night for longer than 20 minutes, get up and try again. Do something calming or boring until you feel sleepy and then go back to bed
    6. Try to avoid taking naps throughout the day
    7. Sleep rituals – develop your own set of routines to do before bed, to remind your body that it is time to sleep
    8. Create the right space for sleep – a cool and dark room is best for sleep
    • Current Identify the situation
    • Identify the feelings
    • Identify your thoughts
    • Recognize unhelpful thinking patterns
    • Fact check your thoughts
    • Identify alternative thoughts page
    • Identify new emotions page
    • Complete
    1 of 8

    Try challenging unhelpful thoughts about sleep:

    Sometimes, negative or anxious thoughts can interfere with getting a good night’s sleep. Use this thought diary to identify and challenge these thoughts. By examining your beliefs about sleep and exploring alternative perspectives, you can work towards improving your sleep quality.

    Write down a situation or memory of a time when you had difficulty with sleep.

    e.g. Last night, lying awake in the middle of the night, couldn't sleep 



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