Submitted by u1153206 on meta

    What is suicide safety planning?

    Having thoughts of suicide can feel overwhelming. If you have been having thoughts of suicide, you may find it really hard to know what to do, or be in so much emotional pain you don't think you can cope.

    A safety plan can be helpful during these times. It puts all your coping tools into a series of steps:

    • Recognising your warning signs 
    • Making your surroundings safe 
    • Reminders of reasons to live 
    • Things that can make you feel strong 
    • People and places to connect with 
    • Family and friends you can talk or yarn with 
    • Professional support

    While everyone's plan is personal and different, it can help in the same way. 
    Many people find that making a safety plan can be helpful, even if they are not experiencing suicidal thoughts.

    You can use the exercise in the activity module to complete your own safety plan. You can also use other online tools such as this: or download the Beyond Now suicide safety planning app.


    Create your own safety plan

    You can use the template below to create your own safety plan, and you can save it for future reference.

    My warning signs

    These are changes (or thoughts, feelings, images) that let you know that you’re heading into a crisis.

    e.g. "I feel like a burden"

    My reasons to live

    Write down the things that make you want to live – big or small!

    e.g. My pet, things I haven't done yet

    Making my space safe

    Things you can do to get rid of stuff that could be used to hurt you or end your life.

    e.g. Lock away things I could use to harm myself

    Things I can do by myself

    List things that you can do to distract yourself from suicidal thoughts.

    e.g. Listen to music

    People and places I can connect with

    List the people you can connect with, or places you can go.

    e.g. Text my mum, join an online support group

    People I can talk to

    List the trusted people you can talk to when you need (Name, Phone, Alternative Contact)

    Professional support

    List the professional supports that you can access. In an emergency, you can call:

    • 000
    • Lifeline 13 11 14 (24/7)
    • Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659467 (24/7)

    My warning signs


    My reasons to live:


    Making my space safe:


    Things I can do by myself:


    People and places I can connect with:


    People I can talk to:


    Professional support:




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